
SOUL RETREIVAL AT WORK – Finding Meaning and Purpose at Work: Part 2

SOUL RETREIVAL AT WORK – Finding Meaning and Purpose at Work: Part 2

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Something is missing at our place of work, something is very wrong….and we know it. Last month we discussed the cost of sleepwalking to work each day feeling unmotivated, unfulfilled, unproductive, and un-empowered; work has lost any sense of meaning and enjoyment. Now we’ll take a look at how soul loss is related to how you earn money and how to find your way back to soulful work.

What does Soul Loss Have to do with How you Earn Money?

When a shaman says you have lost a piece of your soul it is not a metaphor. A shaman “sees” that a piece of your soul is actually missing and when that happens the person who’s soul is damaged can never be in their power until the missing piece of the soul is retrieved, hence soul retrieval. From a shaman’s perspective soul retrieval is serious business and it is something shamans have done in all parts of the world for ages as they help communities and individuals regain their power.

Symptoms of soul loss include: Low energy, a general feeling of being disconnected, difficulty staying present and in the moment or the feeling of being out of your body, suffering anxiety attacks, difficulty moving on after a large transition like a divorce or similar change in your life, always looking for outside things to fill you up, memory gaps, especially when you were a child, chronic illnesses and weak immune systems, depression and a general lack of energy. (Of course there are multiple reasons for the above symptoms and despite our obsession to always make it one thing and give it a single label these are symptoms of how people will often present themselves to me when the core issue is soul loss.)

When soul loss is not addressed these symptoms often become exaggerated, and illness and even death will manifest.

These symptoms are usually accompanied with a longing inside, that calls the person to the awareness that there is something more to life. Very rarely do I find a person with soul illness who’s at a job they love. Our work is so much a part of us.

Finding your way back to Soulful Work

The awesome thought of gaining back our power and living a purposeful life at work can at first be overwhelming. As Marianne Williamson, an internationally acclaimed spiritual powerhouse, put it so beautifully:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us… As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Marianne Williamson

Because so much of our lives have been geared toward getting good grades and getting ahead, we are lost when we ask ourselves, “What is it that I really want to do? What are my special gifts?” This can lead to an incredibly unnerving feeling, and many seekers get caught up in the mental loop of trying to figure out what would be the perfect job. Overwhelmed with the daunting task of aligning our work with our passions, we go back to sleep and give up on our dreams, stay at our soulless job, and resort to just making a living.

A tree doesn’t try to grow; and woodpeckers don’t get sore necks.

Through my own life journey, striving to perfect and merge my gifts into the impeccable work, I came to realize, at a deep level, that when I am in alignment with the vibration of my soul it matters much less what I do than how I do it. The striving is no longer necessary.

It does not mean we are meant to be a fireman or surgeon, or go into any specific occupation; paradoxically, what we do matters much less than how we do it— how we bring our full selves into our work and everything we do.

Finding a Soulful Company

Rather than looking for the perfect job that aligns with your purpose, start by looking for companies with a healthy soul. This will lead you in the direction of good energy and give you a solid foundation of possible companies to approach. Then see if what they do aligns with your passions; with who you are at a soul level.

When you approach your career this way, magic will unfold. Look for the subtle signs that lead you in the direction of your longings. One of the extra benefits of these soulful companies is that they care deeply about their employees, and consequently are looking for people who ‘get it.’ These companies will see the passion of your “why” clearly when it aligns with the company’s “why,” and the old uncomfortable interviewing process will melt away and be replaced by a passionate discussion.

When most companies are born they have passion and purpose beyond just making money, there is a feeling of excitement that is palpable. The employees go to work fired-up about the prospect of being part of building something with meaning. For a company like this the soul is defined, healthy, and vibrant.

In contrast, a company with soul loss is governed by fear and greed and its symptoms include loss of profitability, employees, distribution, and customers, as well as a lack of vitality, the work might be boring, there’s in-fighting, there’s very little focus on the end customer, and there’s no genuine interest in giving back to others.

The bottom line is that a corporation with an unhealthy soul has lost a purpose beyond profit making. These are the companies to stay clear of when you are looking for a job.

Good News!

Find a company with a healthy soul and you will usually find a great place to work. These soulful companies have many things in common. Look for the following signs; they will lead you to exciting new possibilities.

• A ratio of highest paid to lowest paid employee no greater than 100-1
• Made the list of Best Companies to Work for
• A company may choose to be a B corporation as opposed to a traditional Corporation
• They spend much less on marketing than their competitors
• Employee retention is well above average
• They are mentioned in books like Conscious Capitalism written by John Mackey of Whole Foods and Raj Sisodia, a leader of the conscious capital movement and professor at Babson College
• There is a soul, a depth of purpose for WHY they do what they do
• People smile and enjoy getting up and going to work
• They care about your life outside of work and because of that benefits tend to be much better and progressive in nature
• They make decisions with respect to ALL stakeholders including the community and the earth, not just the shareholders. “Companies with a higher purpose are generally impacting all of their stakeholders in positive ways and helping to create a better world—a world we can be proud to leave to future generations.” Steven Schueth of First Affirmative.


A little financial analysis of some of today’s best purpose-driven soulful companies reveals something even more exciting. A growing number of companies pay their people more, treat their suppliers well, deliver top-notch customer service, make consistent, substantial investments in their communities and the environment, and in some cases even pay more taxes. And a 15-year study of some of these firms demonstrated that they outperformed their peers by as much as 14 to one.

Work can once again be fun and filled with meaning and purpose. Whether we call them conscious corporations, soulful companies, or purpose-driven companies, in the end, they are great places to work.

Working for a company with a healthy soul is a reflection of the state of your own soul’s health. Honor your life by demanding to work with a company with soul and following your dreams and visions. The world will be a much nicer place when more of us are singing in harmony.

Connecticut resident Lawrence Ford was dubbed the “Shaman of Wall Street” by the Washington Post – he lives in “both worlds”, the modern world of business and the ancient world of wisdom. Conscious Capital Wealth Management (formerly Ford Financial Group) has helped over 5,000 people with their investment and insurance needs since 1989. Lawrence Ford is a Registered Representative of INVEST Financial Corporation (INVEST), member FINRA/SIPC. Lawrence can be reached at: [email protected] or 860-659-8299.

All expressions of opinion in this commentary reflect the opinions of the author and not necessarily those of INVEST. This commentary does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any security. INVEST does not offer tax and/or legal advice and it is strongly recommended you consult with your legal or tax professional for guidance on your particular situation. INVEST offers securities and is not affiliated with Conscious Capital Wealth Management, LLC. This material was developed and produced by FMG Suite and Lawrence Ford of Conscious Capital Wealth Management, LLC.