
Salt Cave Therapy

Salt Cave Therapy

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In 2009, Andrea Geresdi had a dream (the kind you have while sleeping). In her dream, she was standing in a beautiful salt cave. The dream was so powerful, she woke up and immediately woke her husband and said to him, “We have to build a salt cave!” A week later they had ordered twenty tons of Himalayan Salt. Her story is one of belief, persistence, and laser beam focus.

At first, they couldn’t find anyone who would lease space to a couple that wanted to haul twenty tons of salt in and build a salt cave in an office building. Understandable. But Andrea didn’t give up. “Sometimes, I feel like life tests you to see how bad you really want something,” she said. I couldn’t agree more after trying to launch this magazine during COVID-19! We also agreed that when something is supposed to happen, then things will eventually fall into place. And so it happened that she did find a space, twice the size she was looking for, which allowed her to expand into providing more treatment rooms to offer Biofeedback, massage therapy, light therapy, far-infrared sauna and a lovely shop with crystals, jewelry and salts for purchase. It all happens exactly as it should and Andrea and Peter opened the first salt cave in the US in 2009.

DH: What are the health benefits of salt cave therapy?
AG: Some of the respiratory system benefits are anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, thinning and clearing of mucus, improving lung capacity and lung function, helping to alleviate and diminish the symptoms of allergies, asthma, bronchitis, colds, Cystic Fibrosis and sinus conditions. The skin benefits from salt cave therapy include decrease of itching, reduction of edema on post-surgical scars, reduction and clearing of inflammation of the skin. Psychological and emotional benefits include reducing stress, relaxation and rejuvenation. Research shows salt cave therapy normalizes certain levels in the brain, improving a person’s positive outlook and mood. Negative ions also help you sleep by regulating your serotonin secretion, reduce headaches and sickness and increases the flow of oxygen to the brain resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy.

DH: What can clients expect at Salt Cave Naples?
AG: I want my clients to feel at home when they come here. They have two options on how they can use our center:

  1. Spa services: Clients can pick and choose what they feel they need from our menu of many amazing spa services like massage, sauna, detox foot bath, or spiritual healing.
  2. Wellness clinic: Clients can start with a non-invasive bioenergetic body scan with our EPFX/QXCI Biofeedback System.

DH: Tell us more about Biofeedback, it sounds fascinating!
AG: Biofeedback is a new field of energy medicine that addresses the electrical properties of the body through stress reactivity testing of the entire energetic body field. It’s a non-invasive way to gather data about weak areas in your body. Once tested, energetic therapy helps to neutralize disease and imbalances to harmonize the system. Our therapy works to relieve stress by balancing physical trauma and emotional trauma by stimulating the mind to naturally balance the body. The QXCI and the SCIO technology offers a rapid, comprehensive and guided approach for health care. It can provide answers to many questions, such as what foods to eat, if exposed to environmental toxins, and any chemical sensitivities one may have. EPFX/QXCI can:

  • De-stress the body and mind
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Boost vitality and stamina
  • Relieve pain
  • Sharpen memory and clarity
  • Balance hormones

This technology is based on over 20 years of research in bio-energetic and bio-resonance medicine. It works naturopathically to stimulate and harness the tremendous capacity of the human body. Since biochemical processes are fundamentally electrical in nature, this computerized system can measure the subtle energetic information in your body, correlating it to thousands of health indicators, quantifying imbalances, and locating precursors to disease, allergies, and environmental sensitivities with computer accuracy. It works by measuring minute electromagnetic signals of our bodies down to the cellular level. In essence, it reduces stress and stressors in our bodies, like toxins and pathogens, which can therefore remove energy blockages and boost immune function. Simply by freeing up these energy blockages and boosting immune function, you unleash the body’s natural power to heal itself.

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DH: Tell us about some of the other treatments you offer?
AG: We offer Biostimulation, which is a form of Electrotherapy that utilizes electrical impulses to rejuvenate and reshape the body. It uses advanced microtechnology that electrically stimulates the muscles through the skin. The therapy can be applied for purposes of muscle toning, beauty treatments, passive exercise, and as a form of physical therapy.

Polarized Light Therapy is a device that acts to regenerate cellular activity by the use of polarized light. The healing power of polarized light works in the treatment of general health disorders, is a therapeutic use of artificial light as a source of well-being, relieves pain and accelerates wound healing and repair of broken bones and is a revolutionary skin care device that works to alleviate cellulite, wrinkles and acne among others. We are beginning to realize that we keep breathing polluted air, are eating “poisoned” food, and drinking impure water. But so far, most of us have overlooked one of the most important life-giving forces – LIGHT. Membrane activity is enhanced on a cellular level, along with stimulation of the metabolism and regenerative processes. Damaged tissues are then regenerated and normalized as a result of changes on the cellular level. The organism as a whole is then able to experience a wide range of therapeutic effects with practically no contraindications or known undesirable side effects. Polarized light ideally completes traditional forms of treatment and is distinguished by non-contact, antiseptic application.

Our Ionic Detox Foot Bath Neutralizes and eliminates toxins from the body with ions. Ionic detox foot baths work by sending a small current that goes in a circuit through the body and generates negatively charged ions in the water. Your body absorbs millions of these negatively charged ions, which alkalize the blood and tissue. The high concentration of the ion field attaches to the positively charged toxins neutralizing them and the body is then able to discard them through the approximate 2000 pores that are on the bottom of your feet. Detox foot baths can assist with enhancing the immune system; speeding up the recovery time from injuries and surgery; relieving arthritic pain; improving sleep patterns; removing heavy metals and blood clot material; and the improvement of liver and kidney function. We also offer lymphatic therapies and weight reduction treatments.

Dr. Diane Hayden, PhD, and Andrea Geresdi. For more information, visit: www.saltcavenaples.com.