
Retrain Your Body to Prevent Allergies

Retrain Your Body to Prevent Allergies

Local & Natural Bath Products for the Holidays at Farm to Bath
Jessica Pizano, Owner of Fit to You, LLC
Allergy Season is Upon Us

Allergies occur when the body reacts inappropriately to a harmless substance. The reaction is a learned error in the immune system that creates a variety of symptoms from runny noses to fatigue. We used to think that it was very difficult and even impossible to treat allergies. Allergy patients were usually asked to completely avoid whatever caused your symptoms. No milk. No strawberries. No soy. Don’t play in the grass. Take antihistamines when the pollen bothers you. Avoid perfume, dust, and cats.

Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) is a breakthrough technology that eliminates the reactions from most forms of allergies and sensitivities. Rather than simply addressing the symptoms, as practiced in traditional western medicine, AAT treats the problem at its source by retraining the body so that it no longer reacts inappropriately to a harmless substance. Once treated, patients can safely contact the substance that had previously caused the allergic reaction or sensitivity. Traditionally allergies only include IgE or histamine reactions, however AAT recognizes that the immune system is complex and sensitivities may cause reactions which are not histamine related but that create many symptoms in the body.

AAT corrects the error and retrains the body to accept the substance. The same principle is applied with immunotherapy (allergy shots), which also retrains the body to accept a harmless substance through repeated subtle exposure. However, AAT utilizes a positive stimulus in addition to the subtle exposure. AAT has shown consistent results with tens of thousand of patients for over a decade. The success of the treatment is attributed to the extensive knowledge base of allergens, allowing for the treatment of a broad range of symptoms. Usually only one treatment is required per allergen.

AAT is not a medical treatment. It has been developed from an entirely different field of therapeutics using principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the study of human physiology, and an in-depth knowledge of allergens. AAT’s research team includes medical doctors, acupuncturists, naturopaths and chiropractic doctors. With AAT you can live life free from allergies without shots, without needles, without drugs, without herbal remedies, without supplements and without avoiding allergens.


The ability to condition physiology with an external stimulus was first demonstrated by Dr. Ivan Pavlov in 1903. Pavlov showed that the physiology of a dog could be conditioned or trained by associating food with an external stimulus in the form of a sound, produced by a ringing bell. After establishing the association, the dog’s salivary glands would be activated by the stimulus even though no food was present. A similar dynamic occurs with AAT as it retrains the body to recognize allergens as neutral or beneficial instead of harmful.

AAT treatments consist of gentle stimulation of specific nerve bundles and acupuncture points (no needles used) while you are being exposed to a specific digital signal of the allergen. The treatment is completely painless and noninvasive. In fact it feels good. Gentle pressure is used to stimulate acupuncture points on the back, which correspond with the major organ systems. According to traditional acupuncture theory, this stimulation relaxes the body and strengthens each of the major organ systems, creating a positive stimulus for the body. Exposure to very subtle and safe levels of the allergen using the unique AAT technology, and simultaneous spinal stimulation and relaxation form a positive association with the allergen. The body (immune system) alters its perception and corrects its own erroneous response. The body then perceives the allergen as beneficial and even useful.

In the past 20 years, Dr. Anne Mitchell has worked extensively with people with allergies and autoimmune disorders in addition to her general family practice. She uses a specific allergy desensitization treatment that is highly successful and is now introducing a technological advancement to make eliminating allergic symptoms easier and even more successful. ADVANCED ALLERGY RELIEF OF CONNECTICUT, office is North Haven and West Hartford, CT. www.aarct.com, 203-239-3400