
Mental Wellness: How Staying Healthy Starts with Mindset

Mental Wellness: How Staying Healthy Starts with Mindset

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When making a habit change, you must first make the decision to commit to this change. This commitment to changing your habits starts with your mindset. I have been in the fitness and wellness industry for over 18 years and have seen many people have success, but I have also seen many people fail in their fitness and wellness goals. Why is it that some people are able to reach their goals and others are not? While there are a lot of forces that factor into this, one of the strongest forces in success is mindset and state of mental wellness.

What if someone is not mentally ready to make a commitment? What if on the surface they believe that they are, but in reality they are dealing with things in the background that hold them back from grasping certain concepts in health and wellness or from allowing them to be coachable? What if they have an addiction or a trauma that has created bad habits that they are therefore having a difficult time changing?

Physical Fitness Begins with Mental Health
As we continue to collect information about the retention and success rate of our clients, we are finding that mental health, addiction, PTSD, stress, and mindset are directly correlated to success or lack thereof in their health and wellness goal. Having a positive mindset, constructive self-talk, and reduced anxiety and stress can help amplify anyone’s fitness and wellness goals. Unbalanced mental wellness can have a tremendous impact on your hormones, interpersonal interactions, motivation, gut health, and more—it all plays a part with your fitness, nutrition, and recovery. Mental wellness is an essential factor in everyone’s health and performance goals. This is the reason TriCore developed a Mental Wellness Program. At TriCore, we have a very high success rate with clients due to our proprietary programs and processes that are focused around habit change and accountability. We integrate technology, health data, and professional coaching together to provide our clients the awareness and guidance they need to reach their goals. We also have industry-leading mental wellness services that are focused around taking action and taking control. We believe in helping our clients through communication, accountability, and education to help them improve their physical, mental, and emotional state.

When researching how best to address mental wellness, we found that many health and wellness companies provide content and education to help with mental wellness. At TriCore we wanted to take it a step further—to also help clients take action toward improving their mental health. To that end, we have designed services that will create the support system needed by our clients to help them take action on what they need to do to improve their mental wellness:

1. Mental Wellness Assessment
Mental Wellness Assessment
2. Mental Wellness Membership
Mental Wellness Membership
3. Mental Wellness Checkpoint
Mental Wellness Checkpoint

Each of these services are designed to meet people where they are and determine the key issues they need to address to improve their mindset.

As a company, TriCore does not provide counseling or therapy—we provide Mental Wellness Coaching, which is a non-clinical practice in addressing items that can support a positive and optimal mental wellness state. As part of our TriCore Mental Wellness Assessment, we can identify if our clients need to work with a counselor or therapist for clinical reasons. We have a referral system of highly qualified professionals that can help them address clinical mental health needs if needed.

What Can Improved Mental Health Do for You?
Improving your mental wellness can lead to:

  • Lower stress levels
  • Clearer thinking
  • Greater sense of calm
  • Increased resiliency
  • Increased confidence
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Flexibility to learn new skills
  • Sense of contentment
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased creativity
  • Improved relationships

TriCore is ready to help! If you are looking for a mental wellness component to your health and wellness plan, we are here for you. Additionally, if you are with an organization or business looking to provide your employees the mental wellness support they need, TriCore can provide this with our Corporate Wellness program.

The importance of mental wellness as part of your overall health cannot be overstated. If you feel this is the component that has been missing from your wellness journey, contact us to discover more about how we can help. We look forward to hearing from you!

For more information on TriCore’s services, check out the Mental Wellness program at: tricorewellness.com/mental-wellness/ and the Corporate Wellness program at: tricorewellness.com/corporate-wellness/

Chris Edwards is a fitness and wellness professional with over 18 years of experience specializing in personal fitness and wellness management. Chris is a graduate from Florida Gulf Coast University with a B.S. in Business Management, with a concentration in Sports Management. He holds multiple certifications and achievements in the fitness and wellness industry and is owner, founder, and managing director of TriCore Wellness. TriCore Wellness is located at 848 1st Ave N, Ste. 220, in Naples.

For more information, visit: www.TriCoreWellness.com, call 239.877.1481, or email: [email protected].