
Live Your Life on Purpose: Why Life Coaching and Self-Guided Neuro-Plasticity Can Help You Shine

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There’s a Marianne Williamson poem, Return to Love, that moves many people deeply. I believe it’s so moving because it resonates with what we already know to be true about our human experience:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous’? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Letting our own light shine, and liberating ourselves from fear starts with small things, in both private and public moments. first, one must act authentically in every moment of our day, not numbing or ignoring our true feelings, but instead tuning into them as a guide. this means being calmly active and actively calm as we learn to live our lives on purpose, rather than life being something that happens to us. Allowing ourselves to shine, and become an authentic expression of our unique essences can be the beginning of the end of war, famine and unjust treatment around the world. Change, charity, and emotional growth start within us, and extend outward.

Unfortunately, many of us feel that we are unable to consistently move in the direc- tion of growth and light. We feel too stuck, stagnant, or busy, to map out (and stick to) a plan for our own growth. We are buried in the mire, only seeing what’s right in front of us, rather than seeing the narrative of our lives from a bird’s eye view, complete with the potential that waits for us on the horizon.

When you are unable to get this big picture view, or unable to stay motivated, then there is no greater aid than another person. Another person who understands your goals and how to reach them, who cheers and applauds your successes, and provides the sup- port you need to persevere when the road gets bumpy. Professional athletes wouldn’t think of trying to reach athletic goals without the guidance and support of their coach, because their coach is critical for helping them be their best. So then, why do the majority of us try to “go it alone” in pursuit of our life goals, without a coach of our own to help us be our best?

Life-Coaching has emerged as one of the most powerful agents of positive human change: coaching can help us to feel better about ourselves and our world, helping us to shine brighter, and allowing that light to extend outward. Coaching helps us to imple- ment healthy new attitudes and behaviors, and supports us in sticking with new patterns until they become habits that keep us whole and balanced.

So, what does a Life-Coach do? A Life- Coach helps you assess each facet of your life, including current strengths, weaknesses, desires, and dreams. The coach then works closely with you to map out a game plan for the next phase of your life. This may include structuring a schedule to harmonize your daily responsibilities (work, family, etc…) with your daily need for self-care to maintain your overall wellbeing. What this does is, literally, transform your life by putting it in balance. Any mechanism that is in balance works more smoothly and efficiently: for a human this means a life that feels effortless and joyous–the way that it should!

Imagine working with your very own strategist/teammate/cheerleader to achieve your goals. With a coach you harness the power of two minds, collaborating toward your balanced path. Some clients meet with a coach weekly but may alternate the focus of the sessions. For example, with one client, we work on Career Coaching the first and third weeks of the month, whereas on the second and fourth weeks we focus on Healthy Lifestyle Coaching. With this approach, we work on the physical…and mental…and spiritual realms, thus ensuring balance in the client’s life.

When I started my yoga studio in 2004, it felt great to help people reconnect with their beautiful bodies in a fun way. I am still a huge proponent of yoga and meditation. As I worked with clients and students, however, I realized that yoga wasn’t enough. Too often, it was just being used as a band-aid to cover the wounds and stresses of the rest of their lives. The symptoms of stress, and nearly all chronic injuries both emotional and physical, are a result of how we are living every minute of every day. It became apparent to me that a more comprehensive approach was required. One that takes the self-care and mindfulness of yoga “off the mat” and into the rest of our lives. One that is strictly adhered to as a daily practice, a life- style. This holistic approach to being a human isn’t taught by most of our parents, or in schools, or the workplace, but it’s a shame to waste our potential for joy and meaning simply because we’ve never been taught how to organize a balanced, healthy lifestyle!

Life Coaching can assist you in mapping out a true overview of who you are, where you are now, where you’d ideally like to be, and how to get there. This means that you address your whole body, mind, and spirit, each equally important. Spiritual nourishment, physical health and well-being, mental hygiene, creative and profes- sional fulfillment, a sensual love life, and time dedicated to growth are platforms that, together, we address individually and as a whole.

In Part-2, we will be exploring how Coaching and Self-Guided Neuro-Plasticity can literally reshape our brain structure, dramati- cally altering our experience of life and the world around us.

Tiffany Chion is a Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, Avid Gardener, and Cat Lover. If you would like to have a FREE phone consultation with Tiffany, to see if coaching is right for you, you can call 860-342-8783 or email [email protected]