
Jessica Pizano, Owner of Fit to You, LLC

Jessica Pizano, Owner of Fit to You, LLC

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This business spotlight is our fifth in a series recognizing local holistic practitioners and businesses that are celebrating 10 years in 2017. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Jessica Pizano of Fit to You to discuss her inspiration and success.

DH: Why did you want to start your own business vs working for someone else?

JP: For me it was a matter of creating the proper environment for my clients. I had always worked out of other people’s offices including a personal training studio and a naturopathic office. I wanted to create an office space that was calming and private enough to be conducive to working with chronic health challenges. Since I specialize in mast cell disorders, connective tissue diseases, dysautonomia and autoimmune disease, many of my clients are very sensitive to smells and other environmental triggers. Having an office cleaned with green cleaning products, absent of perfumes and other scents, and even flowers can make the difference on whether or not a client can enter an office. So, I do my best to make my office safe for as many people as possible.

DH: What has been your biggest success and your biggest challenge in owning a business for 10 years?

JP: The early years were the most challenging. There were times when I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to continue in my own business because I wouldn’t have enough income. I taught for a while to help subsidize my income. While I enjoyed teaching, it was a great day when I could dedicate myself fully to my practice.

In terms of my greatest success, I think it is that I have been blessed to help figure out as many difficult cases as I have. I have had my own health challenges and being able to guide others who have had a similar experience is very gratifying.

DH: What plans do you have for the future?

JP: This summer actually marks a very exciting chapter for my practice. I am actually moving to the Richmond, Virginia area where I will be merging my practice with my colleague Christy Williamson. We already own Zebra Diagnostics, LLC a nutritional genomics research company and SNPed, a webinar series on nutritional genomics for practitioners together.

DH: What are you most proud of that you’ve accomplished in the last 10 years?

JP: I am most proud of the fact that I have been able to help so many people find their health. There is nothing better than seeing someone who is terribly sick recover enough to regain their energy, their ability to participate fully in life, and an understanding of how to maintain this newfound health.

Interview by Dr. Diane Hayden. Jessica Pizano is the owner of Fit to You, LLC, which offers clinical nutrition and nutrigenomic counseling, as well as corrective and clinical exercise programs. Her concentrations include genetics and nutrigenomics, food allergies/sensitivities, autoimmune disease, mast cell activation disorders, dysautonomia, connective tissue disorders, Lyme disease and neurotransmitter disorders. She earned a master’s degree in human nutrition that emphasizes functional medicine at the University of Bridgeport. She is a certified nutrition specialist through the Board for Certified Nutrition Specialists. She may be contacted at (860) 321-7234 or online at: www.fittoyouct.com.