
Is Your Body Toxic? – By Anne Freeman

You Are What You Eat: The Truth Behind Metabolic Syndrome
Insulin Resistance as an Adaptation: Helpful or Not?
Addressing Underlying Medical Conditions in Autism

In today’s world we all multi-task and work multiple jobs- we wear many hats! As a result of our multi-faceted lifestyle we become stressed and worn out. Stress can cause a production of the hormone cortisol. Under constant duress toxic levels of cortisol can build up in our bodies. As a result this build up can lower our immune systems and decrease our ability to fight diseases.

Another contributor to stress is the way we live and the people we encounter on a daily basis.  How do you start your day? Does a loud and intrusive alarm wake you? Do you bolt out of bed and head for the shower before you even have your first thought? Are your first thoughts of the day your “to do” list? Now, think of the people you encounter on a daily basis- are they “toxic” to be around? Meaning do they make you feel calm, happy and at peace or do you encounter people who are stressed, miserable and complain about everything?

Our media fills us with doom and gloom. Does this have an effect on you and how your day will turn out? You bet is does!! You can be sucked into a spiral of negativity and fall prey to it yourself. It takes quite a bit of thought and energy to be stressed and angry. That same amount of energy could be devoted to calming and positive thoughts and emotions.

Because we lead fast paced lives we make choices of convenience that will save us time. Fast food is one of those conveniences. Our foods today contain less nutrition than ever before yet obesity is on the rise in staggering numbers. Our foods are over processed and filled with preservatives.  There are chemicals in our foods and water. Our soils are nutrient depleted and loaded with pesticides and fertilizers. Our livestock are injected with steroids, hormones and antibiotics.

We are in a health crisis. Diseases are on the rise and obesity contributes to many health problems. Over a trillion dollars is spent on health care each year. Billions of prescriptions are written each year yet people are getting sicker and more overweight. Our lifespan will lower if we continue down this path. Besides our stress levels, food choices and overall health, we need to look at our environment as well. We have air pollution, off gasses and chemicals from cosmetics to cleaning fluids that we ingest everyday! We take in these toxins through our skin and by just breathing!

How do we live happy, healthy and vibrant lives in today’s world? We need to “cleanse” everyday!! We need to calm and cleanse our minds daily and we need to nutritionally cleanse our bodies. Fortunately our bodies have built in filtering systems that include the liver, kidneys, colon and our skin that cleanse out toxins and impurities daily. Toxins are built up and stored in our fat cells. We can help rid these stored toxins by doing a deep cellular cleanse balanced with a nutrient rich diet. Not only does this help eliminate toxins it helps burn the fat cells. A regular nutritional cleanse can help you become more alkaline balanced, increase your energy and bring you more focus and clarity. A cellular cleanse helps the body to clean out and absorb the nutrients and trace minerals we are depleted of. The key is to find a comprehensive cleansing and fat burning system, one that fits into your lifestyle and fulfills your needs. These are some of the elements of an ideal nutritional cleansing and fat burning system.

  • It should be nutrient-dense and contain vitamins and mineral-rich foods that support your body’s natural ability to cleanse itself.
  • Aloe Vera – which helps with cleansing and replenishing.
  • It should contain Anti-oxidants, key vitamins, essential amino acids and chlorophyll- to help fight the effects of stress and bring back vibrant energy and stamina.
  • Look for Ionic Trace Minerals- to replace the vital nutrients stripped from our bankrupt soils and foods.
  • Beneficial juices and herbs- to boost the body’s defenses.
  • It should be a flexible and easy to follow program.

The challenges we face in our environments, our lifestyles and our food choices are not easy to solve. You can start to take action towards your own better health by “Cleansing for Life”. You change the filters in your cars to keep it running at its maximum. Doesn’t it make sense to help keep the filters cleaned in your own body? We can meditate, retreat, do yoga or Pilates to calm and center our minds. You can cleanse to replenish and revitalize your internal bodies! Why not start today?

Anne Freeman- Independent Consultant, Isagenix International. World leader in nutritional cleansing. www.annefreeman.isagenix.com   Located in the NW corner of CT. Anne is also a Retreat Coach, committed to the encouragement and support for women to live their dreams. (860) 201-3061