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Hypnosis: Discover the Secret to Effortless Weight Loss

Hypnosis: Discover the Secret to Effortless Weight Loss

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It’s that most wonderful time of year again. The leaves have fallen from the trees and the temperature of the air is cool and crisp. The dark evening sky is sprinkled with bright sparkling stars and little white snowflakes waft gently through the air. Invitations galore have filled our calendars with parties and dinners and special celebratory events as we merrily ate and drank our way into the New Year. And, if you are like many people, enjoying all those wonderful homemade desserts, rich holiday food, delicious wines and bubbly drinks has caused a very dramatic, unwanted, unhealthy and unsightly weight gain.

Unfortunately, you’re not alone. As the holiday season comes to an end it is often time for personal reflection. Your New Year’s resolution may once again be vowing to gain control over your eating behavior and finally lose weight. You may be unhappy with your image in the mirror but yet still not able to find the ability or willpower to end the sabotaging, out of control behavior preventing you from losing that excess weight.

Self-Sabotage and Emotional Eating
Like many people, you probably know what to do to lose the weight. You may have the best of intentions to stop eating all those sweets or starchy carbs or just eat less and really begin that “diet” on Monday! We all know diets don’t really work. We feel deprived, unhappy and frustrated. You know the right foods to eat but something may stop you from following through with the plan. Motivation and willpower suddenly disappears! Sometimes it feels as though there is a good angel and bad angel on your shoulder and the bad angel is winning! Cravings, emotional eating, portion sizes and out of control behaviors often get the best of us …we give in and then we give up. We fail again and again.

There is good news for those who want to combat obesity, gain control and lose weight. Hypnosis is an easy, natural, relaxing and successful solution to lose weight without dieting. Imagine, being able to stop weight loss sabotage simply by relaxing while your subconscious mind accepts the positive suggestions for the changes you want to make.

All Change Begins with the Mind
The subconscious mind is very much like a computer and may be running old or defective programs! Many of us have developed unhealthy relationships with food over the years. We eat when we’re sad, angry, lonely, stressed and even when we are happy. Many have developed the habit of overeating and using food to satisfy emotional issues we may often confuse with our appetite. This habit can gain strength and power over the years to become an automatic response that the subconscious uses to address any stressful situation or event.

We diet and deprive ourselves and become more and more unhappy. Many people “diet” themselves to weigh over 300 lbs. It’s not your fault. Studies have shown that the subconscious mind manages over 90% of our behaviors. It doesn’t even make sense that we can change something on a conscious level when the subconscious is in charge. It’s obvious that simply using willpower and motivation is just not enough. Therefore, if you want to change a habit or modify behavior it can naturally and easily be changed by using Hypnosis.

Traditional Hypnosis or Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis
Traditional Therapeutic Hypnosis has been very a successful tool for behavioral changes and weight loss for many years. However, a new European hypnosis technique, the Virtual Gastric Band program gives the subconscious mind suggestions that the stomach is much smaller, the size of a golf ball, as if the gastric band were surgically installed. This technique is a safe and healthy alternative to weight loss surgery and is designed to replicate the effects, results and benefits of the gastric band, or bypass surgery, without going under the knife.

During hypnosis the natural endorphin and serotonin levels of the body are increased and as this occurs, the conscious portion of the mind, which is critical and analytical, is temporarily suspended or bypassed. In this state, the subconscious mind can easily accept the suggestions for change to benefit the individual.

Hypnosis can finally end the old sabotaging behavior and help your mind work for you instead of against you. Therefore, whether you choose Traditional Hypnosis or the new Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis program, Hypnosis has the ability to help you regain your willpower to eat consciously and healthfully so you can finally lose weight….without deprivation!

Diane Bahr-Groth, CH, TFT-Adv, Director of Mind-Body Transformation Hypnosis Center specializes in fast and effective methods for weight loss, healthy eating, stress, fear and pain reduction, smoking cessation, success, motivation, sports performance as well as fear and phobia elimination for public speaking and other issues. She is a registered Consulting Hypnotist and Certified in Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Program™, Thought Field Therapy™, Time Line Therapy™, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Complementary Medical Hypnosis. HypnoBirthing™, Touch for Health (Systematic Applied Kinesiology) and Healing From The Body Level Up I, II and III. Diane is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotherapists. Established in Fairfield County since 1989, her office is located at 1177 High Ridge Road in Stamford, CT. For more information or to schedule a free consultation or appointment please call 203 595-0110 or go to: www.mindbodytransformation.com.