
How to Gain Distance with Your Driver

How to Gain Distance with Your Driver

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If you consider yourself an “aging golfer” or if you’ve lost 20+ yards off your tee shots over the past year or so, I’m sure you’ve done your share of searching the internet for the holy grail of golf instruction that will give you that extra yardage back. You’re looking to regain your dignity on the course and once again stroke your ego as you’re able to outdrive your golf buddies and earn back your bragging rights.

But like 100% of the other aging golfers out there, you’re stuck, left with frustration and pessimism because the false golf prophets on YouTube promised you their technique works for everybody – when it really only works for those actually athletic and limber enough to pull it off…in other words, those young bucks you see on the range wrapping the club around their necks and bombing it 300+ down range.

A New Approach
If any of this resonates with you, keep reading. I’m a physical therapist by trade who “accidentally” started a golf performance business, and since 2015, I’ve helped hundreds of SWFL golfers over the age of 60 gain more distance off the tee, shoot more consistently, and play more frequently. I’ve done this by following a very simple yet effective method (The Berman Method) that produces results 100% of the time.

The reason I’m able to help aging golfers gain distance is that I completely bypass the interpretation part of instruction. Said differently, most golfers get frustrated with instruction because the instructor is asking them to do some technique. Then they have to interpret that instruction and attempt to reproduce that instruction. And that my friends, is where 100% of the problem occurs – the interpretation phase. The reason being, if you’ve never “felt” what it feels like to get into those positions and feel the appropriate muscles firing the appropriate way, you’ll NEVER be able to consistently reproduce the movement!

The Berman Method
What I’ve developed is a very specific set of tests I administer to you while you’re in very specific golf positions and all you have to do is resist me. You don’t have to think at all. For example, in your address position, I’ll put my hands on you and push in a certain direction while coaching you to “don’t let me move you.” This completely bypasses the interpretation phase and allows you to simply react, allowing you to learn immediately what those positions and muscle activations feel like!

Some of the most common responses I get in the first few sessions are “WOW, I’ve never felt my glutes fire like this before.” Or “I’ve never thought about activating my core this way.” And because of the laws of physics, once we have more muscles firing and we’re generating more power during the golf swing, the only possible outcome is that the ball will go further!

And because I know you’re still skeptical, and rightfully so, I want you to try these two very simple things to give you a little taste of The Berman Method. In your address position, close your eyes and think about what muscles you feel firing and engaged. Then rate how intensely you feel those muscles firing: a little bit, moderately, or intensely.

Next, while still in your address position, simply pull your belly button into your spine as if trying to fit into a tight pair of pants, and then start pushing the arch of your right foot (left foot if you golf lefty) through the ground as firmly as you can. Now reassess how intensely you feel muscles working. Chances are that you are NOT currently doing this on the golf course which makes it highly unlikely that you will be able to gain any significant distance or consistency.

If I’ve piqued your interest, go check out The Berman Method on YouTube and try some of my most popular videos. Who knows, maybe you’ll be one in contention for your next Club Championship!

Dr. Jake Berman, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist and the owner of Berman Physical Therapy where they focus on treating the actual problem causing your symptoms (pain) to help you avoid taking pain pills and dangerous surgeries. So if you’re tired of feeling “old” and you are looking for another way to keep active and mobile, call Dr. Berman at 239.431.0232 to take advantage of a FREE 30 minute taster session!