
Herbal Detoxification Program

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I’m often asked about using herbs for detoxification. Herbs do have a wonderful way of cleansing and nourishing the body.

Why consider cleansing?

What are some of the reasons people might consider doing a cleanse? If colds are coming too frequently. If you’ve eaten overindulgently for quite a while. If you’re feeling like your body is congested. If you are having skin issues. If you tend to suffer from constipation. Just because… we live in a stressful world where our air, food and water is challenged with toxic emissions, pesticides and chemicals. We often think of change of season as good time for cleansing but if you need it at another time, don’t wait for the season’s solstice.

My favorite program of detoxification was designed by Dr. John R. Christopher, father of modern day herbalism. Dr. Christopher’s herbal formulations are non-toxic and non-habit forming. The program is designed to cleanse kidneys, bladder, liver, colon and skin (organs of elimination). It finishes by cleansing the bloodstream as the final sweep. If you do not see the cleanse through to its finale with the Bloodstream formula, you may experience flu-like symptoms. By detoxifying all of these organs in concert, you should feel increased vitality rather than the weakness often experienced with detoxification programs.

Drink lots of water!

The following formulas consist of plants that have been dehydrated; therefore they must be ingested with large amounts of water to rehydrate them. Keep in mind that the plants were largely composed of water when in their natural state. If heartburn should develop shortly after taking the capsules, it just means you haven’t taken them with enough water. Distilled water has been found to enhance the herbs’ effectiveness by up to 30% over tap or spring water.

A minimum of ten 8oz glasses of water should be taken each day to assist flushing of toxins. Drinking water at room temperature is better for the body. Also, it is not easy to ingest large amounts of water when it is chilled.

Eat healthfully!

Fasting is not recommended with this detox. A healthful plan of eating should be adhered to. The ideal would be what Dr. Christopher called a “mucusless” diet consisting of lots of vegetables, a moderate amount of grains, fresh (not dried) fruits, small amounts of healthy fats like olive and coconut oils, and a small amount of nuts and seeds (avoiding dairy and meat which cause mucus in the body). You may suspend taking vitamin supplements while cleansing as your diet and herbs will provide all the nourishment you need.

Do the best you can! You will develop a comfortable rhythm within a few days.

The program is written in its ideal form in terms of the timing of doses. The important thing to remember is not to stress over taking the formulas. This would be counterproductive. Prepare a simplified schedule on an index card and follow it as best you can.

Most of the formulas can be combined except for Liver & Gall Bladder and Bloodstream. Separate their intake by approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Dr. John R. Christopher’s Herbal Detoxification Program

LOWER BOWEL This is not a laxative but a formula designed to cleanse and nourish and rebuild the colon area.

q2 capsules AM q2 capsules PM

If diarrhea occurs and persists beyond 3 days, reduce the dose either by taking one capsule in the AM and one in the PM, or eliminating the morning dose.

Continue taking until Bloodstream Formula is finished.

LIVER & GALL BLADDER (cleanser and tonic)

q3-4 capsules, 2-3 times a day.

Take ½ hour before meals. If queasiness is experienced, take with meals. Take for 3 weeks.

KIDNEY FORMULA (kidney/bladder cleanser)

q2-3 capsules, 2 times a day.

Take mid-morning and mid-afternoon – not at night! This formula may cause you to urinate more often and more fully. Take for 2 weeks.

Save remainder to be used as a diuretic when needed (eg water retention caused by PMS, salty foods, etc.).BLOODSTREAM (blood cleanser)

q2-3 capsules, 2-3 times a day.

Begin this formula when you stop the Kidney-Bladder Formula. Take 30-60 minutes away from Liver & Gall Bladder Formula (ideally). Take for two weeks.

Formula ingredients may be found and purchased at drchristophers.com.

If you are under a physician’s care for a chronic illness and/or taking medication on an ongoing basis, be sure to discuss detoxification with your physician first. Herbs may be contraindicated with certain medications (with blood thinners, for example).

And finally, it needs to be said: There is no medical advice here. I am not a physician, I do share my many years of experience and knowledge. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take responsibility for your own actions. Do not use any ideas found here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher or health care provider.

Andrea Candee, MH, MSC, is a master herbalist with a practice in Westchester County. She lectures throughout the country and at corporate wellness centers about taking charge of your health naturally. Media expert and author, her award-winning book, Gentle Healing for Baby and Child (Simon & Schuster), received The National Parenting Center’s Seal of Approval. Andrea is noted nationally for her unique and successful approach to Lyme Disease and works with The Liphe Balance Center in Weston, CT. She may be contacted through her website, AndreaCandee.com (to receive her free e-letter, click on Did You Know?), or at 877 856 7680.