
Have Pain? Don’t Have Pain? Robotic Muscle Therapy Is for Everyone!

Have Pain? Don’t Have Pain? Robotic Muscle Therapy Is for Everyone!

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Do you have pain and can’t find relief? Hidden muscle imbalances are the source of your pain, and almost no practitioner has investigated them.

Don’t have pain but want to stay injury-free? Unidentified tight muscles are setting you up for injury.

Chronic pain is an epidemic. Most people have some aches or pains. But what if you don’t have pain? You still benefit from releasing tight muscles that cause imbalances and can lead to potential injuries.

Most people aren’t aware that tight muscles put pressure on the skeletal structure. Muscles attach to bones and joints, and when muscles are chronically tight (which is the case for much of the population), they exert pressure on bones, joints, and nerves. As this happens, our posture changes, and not for the better.

Shoulder, Rotator Cuff, and Neck
These postural changes cause muscle imbalances, leading to muscle strains and tears. For example, rotator cuff issues – you don’t generally know you have any underlying issue until you strain or tear a rotator cuff muscle. That is because you aren’t aware that the muscles around the rotator cuff are chronically tight, putting pressure on the muscles that eventually give way.

The pectoral muscle is always involved in rotator cuff issues. Almost everyone has an anterior roll of the shoulders caused by the pectoral muscle, which connects the shoulder to the ribcage, being chronically tight.

This muscle becomes shortened because many of our regular activities involve using our arms directly in front of the body – driving, computer use, food preparation, and the like. As we overuse the pectoral muscle without using the opposing muscles on the back of the body, the pectoral muscles get tight and shortened. This causes the shoulders to be pulled forward in an unnatural position.

The anterior roll of the shoulder also causes the trapezoid muscles to engage, leading to tension in the trapezoid and neck area. The trapezoids also cause a forward head posture, which is bad for the spine and can lead to headaches and cervical nerve impingement.

The pectoral muscles can affect the arms, elbows, and even the hands. This is often where carpal tunnel and numbness originate. Not only can it affect the muscles in and around the shoulder, but it can also cause joint dysfunction. As the muscles cause imbalance, the joint cannot move properly, eventually affecting the bones.

Back, Hips, and Legs
The other chronic misalignment that most people don’t realize they have is a pelvic tilt, which causes the upper body to be imbalanced.

For ninety-five percent of the population, hips are out of alignment, putting pressure on the lower back and pelvis. This is significant because the pelvis is the foundation for the torso and upper body. This imbalance will affect the hips, spine, and muscles of the back. It can also cause the muscles in the glutes and the legs to tighten and shorten. This can create knee and foot pain, including plantar fasciitis.

The muscle that causes this pelvic tilt is a little-known muscle called the psoas (the “p” is silent, pronounced “SO-AS”). This muscle connects along each side of the lower spine, winds around the hips, and connects to the top of the thigh. You have a right and a left psoas. It is the only muscle that connects the legs to the torso.

One psoas is almost always tighter than the other (usually your dominant side). This imbalance causes one side of your pelvis to tip forward, causing your hips to be out of alignment.

The psoas is one of the body’s largest and most important muscles, yet no one talks about it. Why? Probably because until now, there hasn’t been a way to affect change in this muscle.

Discover the Difference in Robotic Muscle Therapy
Most people who are in pain have tried many different therapies but haven’t found a solution. What makes robotic muscle therapy different?

With this technology, using vibration and gentle pressure, we can deeply relax the muscle in a way nothing else can. This allows the muscle to release the contraction that is causing it to be short and tight. With robotic muscle therapy, the muscle can lengthen back to its proper state, taking the pressure off the bones and joints. As the pressure is alleviated, posture improves, and muscle imbalances are corrected.

The two major muscles discussed in this article cause many of the problems people commonly face, but with twenty-six different placements, we can help with most types of pain. This technology can provide lasting, long-term pain relief (or pain solutions) without drugs, injections, or surgery.

If you don’t have pain but want to be proactive, one to three sessions can release tight muscles and correct imbalances, leaving you healthier and able to stay active without fear of injury. Our average client has been looking for solutions for eighteen months and has tried several treatments before finding us. Many of our clients get pain resolution, even though they have almost given up before trying robotic muscle therapy. The average client starts seeing results in three to five sessions.

Don’t wait any longer to get back into balance! Whether you have chronic pain or no pain, muscle imbalance takes a toll on your body. Why not feel the best you can and stay healthy?

We offer a complimentary consultation so clients can learn more about this revolutionary technology. We learn about your condition, and you discover whether this therapy can help you. You truly have nothing to lose – except your pain. Theresa Edmunds is a Certified Health Coach and co-owner of Naples Robotic Pain Relief. She is passionate about helping people feel better.

To schedule a no-cost consultation or for more information, contact 239.778.6842 or visit: naplesroboticpainrelief.com.