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From Worry to Well-Being

From Worry to Well-Being

Is Your Soul Calling for Adventure?
The “F” Word – Fluoride: A 70-Year Controversy
The Link between Gut Health and Depression

Maybe it’s there first thing when you wake up in the morning. Your eyes open and this wave of anxiety flows over you before you’re even fully awake. You watch the news and the world appears to be on the brink of destruction and you wonder how you’re going to navigate through it all. Or it keeps you up at night, your mind racing with all the things that could go wrong.

If this sounds like you, read on because there is help. You can shift from worry to well-being, out of fear and into freedom.

Fear comes in many flavors. Worry, anxiety, phobias, compulsive thoughts, difficulty concentrating, insecurity, procrastination, insomnia and anger. When you think about it, these feelings are limiting at best and in many cases downright imprisoning. They prevent us from enjoying our days and having the freedom to explore ourselves and life to the fullest.

Seeds of Fear
So, where does the fear come from? Having worked with thousands of clients struggling with various forms of fear over the years, in my opinion, there are two primary sources or seeds of fear.

The internal seed is the deep seated belief “I am not good enough.” This belief can get planted in our systems at any time—even before we’re born. For example, if we are an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy, at the subconscious level, we assume that something must be wrong with us if we are not wanted. Seeds can get planted later in life by parents or teachers who focus on the things we do wrong instead of the things we do right, or when we compare ourselves to an older sibling or playmate and think we should be able to do what they’re doing, not realizing how much more life experience they’ve had.

Once that seed of belief is planted it begins to take root and grows through the years creating a strong internal fear. “If I’m not good enough, people won’t like me, won’t love me, might leave me, I’ll be alone, I might not survive,” etc.

These thoughts or beliefs produce the emotion of fear which affects us mentally and emotionally as well as taking a toll on our physical health.

External seeds of fear come from traumatic experiences, our own birth being one of them. Imagine living in a nice, warm, quiet, cozy, dark room for nine months only to be thrown, without any forewarning or preparation, into bright lights, loud noises, and the cold hands of strangers prodding and pricking. Confusing and scary. The trauma of being left alone as a baby. Even the trauma of a nightmare. External seeds of fear can get planted in many, many different moments. Once that seed of fear gets planted it grows into a sapling and then into tree. Just as trees are nearly impossible to just pull out of the ground, it’s very difficult for us to pull out our trees of fear. We may be able to understand our fear by talking to a friend or therapist but the feelings remain. We may be able to temporarily numb the fear with food, alcohol, recreational drugs, or prescription medications, but the fear is still very much there below the surface.

Working with the Mind
So what can we do about it? Thankfully, we all have this truly amazing part of our minds called the subconscious. The subconscious mind is the emotional mind. In the state of hypnosis, the subconscious can literally “see” the fear as energy in our system. Once the fear is found, the subconscious mind isolates the seed of that fear and works to understand how the seed got planted. When it finds the source of the seed, it releases it, which allows the balance of the fear energy to follow. When the fear energy has been released the system is able to rebalance and return to a state of well-being.

If you struggle with fear in one form or another, why not use the part of your mind that is designed to help you, quickly, (typically within three to five sessions), safely, easily and naturally?

SPECIAL NOTE: In order to work on diagnosed anxiety, a referral from either your primary care physician or your psychiatrist or psychologist is required.

I’ve realized something (or rather someone pointed this out to me). I am not anxious when I wake up in the morning! I am not full of a horrible feeling in my gut. I no longer have that sensation and now do not dread going into work. Thank you Lisa, thank you so very much; I feel free for the first time in my life truly free.
– Rose from Farmington

How do you thank a person who has literally saved your life? I’m not sure there are even words. Living with depression and anxiety is like being trapped inside your own mind with demons gnawing on your self esteem. And you, Lisa, in your great kindness and patience, have freed me from it.

On behalf of my infinitely precious children who now have a calm, compassionate mother, on behalf of my sweet husband who now has a put-together, happy wife and on behalf of myself whose life you have completely changed, I thank you from the depth of my being.
– Orli from Waterbury

Lisa Zaccheo is the owner and lead hypnotist at Mind Matters Hypnosis Centers in Avon, Guilford and North Branford CT. She is Board Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists and has additional certifications in Complimentary Medical, Clinical, Child & Adolescent, Forensic and Regression hypnosis. For more information, or to schedule a lecture, workshop or appointment, call Mind Matters Hypnosis Center at (860) 693-6448 or visit MindMattersHypnosis.com.