
Feng Shui – Creating Balance and Harmony In Your Environment – by Karen Elizabeth Rowan

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Feng Shui – Creating Balance and Harmony In Your Environment

For centuries, the principles of Feng Shui have been practiced in the East. It is believed that this ancient art began in the West Han dynasty of China around the third century BC. There are numerous schools of Feng Shui with countless teachings and modalities that would take a lifetime to explore. I would like to offer acknowledgment and gratitude to the master teachers that have blessed us with their wisdom and knowledge.  Feng Shui means “wind and water.” It is an understanding of how the movement of energies can affect our environment, health, and lives. By applying subtle Feng Shui “cures” or adjustments, we have the power to create balance and to set intentions inviting an abundance of blessings in to our life. We now have the opportunity to apply these extraordinary principles to create more peaceful and harmonious environments in our lives. Science has shown that everything is made up of energy. Humans are made up of trillions of cells that react to their surroundings. They respond to our internal and external environments. If we are residing in an area where there is discordance, it can influence us at a cellular level. Although we may not be conscious of it, all of us have the natural ability to perceive “energy.”

Here are some things you may have noticed:

  • Feeling uncomfortable as you walk into a room
  • Feeling drained when you sit in front of the television or a computer
  • When you attend a meeting or workshop, carefully checking out the room before you decide where to sit
  • Feeling vaguely uncomfortable in your own home or place of business
  • Feeling generally ‘out of sorts’

“Chi stagnation” can be described as a feeling of being stuck, depressed, ill, or uncomfortable. Without proper alignment, energetic movement and change, our bodies and spirits suffer. Acceptance of change is essential to maintain health, emotional balance, and energy. We can increase our vitality and experience a feeling of inner peace and tranquility just by moving our body, as well as moving our furniture, personal belongings and landscapes.

The same principles apply to your external surroundings. “Energetic imprints” can be left by previous owners or tenants, failed businesses, foreclosures as well as by illness, divorce, and even death of prior occupants. Location of a dwelling or office at the end of a cul-de-sac, near a mountain, body of water, or power lines can also affect energy. Living in the midst of clutter and disorganization can make us feel uncomfortable. Any or all of these situations can create imbalance and cause distress to oneself, family, friends, clients and customers. The application of Feng Shui clears these energetic imprints by using the art of placement and design to recreate a new and vibrant environment.

Depending on the landscape, our external environment may have energetic challenges. When we design and build structures, it is important to observe the natural “lay of the land” and create balance within nature. Because too much movement can create chaos, arriving at a balance is the key principle and focus!

During a Feng Shui consultation, we evaluate the environment of your home, land, and/or business. Then we design and establish a compatible relationship within your surroundings to bring forth support for your life, health and well-being. The “Bagua” is one valuable tool. It is a chart that incorporates nine major components of life in reference to the nine sections of your home or office. The Bagua chart is placed over the layout of your existing space or blueprints of new space to determine where the nine “guas” are located. After reviewing any areas of concern, we configure the space through the application of the Feng Shui principles.

A powerful “Chi adjustment” or “rice blessing” can be incorporated to clear old and stagnate energy. Your house should be able to “breathe” in order to welcome the new opportunities and blessings you call forth. You can also state intentions, which are powerful statements to God/Spirit/Creator, to bring focus, clarity, and action to your visions, thoughts, and dreams. Remember, positive thoughts attract positive energy and results!

The basic principles of Feng Shui include: space clearing, color, elements, precision placement, and design. Simple shifts and adjustments in your surroundings can create beneficial energy. They may also bring forth new opportunities in business, relationships, health, travel and education, as well as an abundance of prosperity.

When your surroundings reflect the things that you love, your space will be revitalized with energy that calls forth internal and external shifts. It is your right to live your life passionately and to dwell in a sacred environment that embraces your true essence and supports your visions and dreams!

Karen Elizabeth Rowan, LMT, CST is the founder and owner of the Rhythm of Life Healing Centre in Canton, Connecticut. She is a certified Feng Shui Practitioner who has studied with Stacy Davenport and Professor Lin Yun, Feng Shui Masters. She also specializes in CranioSacral Therapy and Somato Emotional Release® for adults and children. Karen is an Advanced Certified Samvahan Vibrational Healer, Life Coach and teacher. She brings more than 29 years of holistic health education and experience to her private practice and to her teaching. www.sacredintegration.com
