
Does a Continuous Glucose Monitor Help Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

Does a Continuous Glucose Monitor Help Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

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You may have seen a glucose sensor on the back of a person’s arm. The sensor, CGM (continuous glucose monitor), collects glucose information 24/7. The two most common devices are Freestyle Libre and Dexcom. Used properly, you can absolutely increase your chances of reversing type 2 diabetes. Today, we’ll review the Freestyle Libre by Abbott Labs.

You place the little round sensor on the back of your arm and leave it in place for two weeks. Amazingly, you can see detailed glucose information all day and night and easily share this with your coach and physician. Pretty nifty!

Libre Sensors
Abbott offers two types of sensors in their Libre product line:

  • Freestyle Libre 14-Day: Kit includes one sensor, a glucose reader, and an optional, downloadable app.
    • Activate the sensor using the reader or your smartphone. Once you activate a sensor, you must use the same device to scan for the two-week duration.
    • Reader: Upload via a USB cord to your PC and to your Libre account.
    • Scanning is required several times per day to keep your sensor active. Do not exceed eight hours without scanning.
  • Freestyle Libre3: Kit includes 1 sensor and requires you to download the Libre3 app to your smartphone.
    • Activate the sensor by using your phone. No additional scanning is required to keep it activated for the 14-day period.

Please note:

  • A prescription is required to obtain a CGM, even when purchasing out of pocket.
  • Medicare/insurance may cover some or all of the cost of the Libre 14-Day if you are prescribed insulin, whether slow or fast-acting. Or those with problematic hypoglycemia (which may be induced by certain diabetic medications).
    • Libre3 is not covered at this time due to not having a dedicated reader. (Abbott is working to rectify this issue.)

CGMs do not read from blood. These devices draw information using algorithms from the interstitial fluid below the skin. When you stick your finger with a traditional monitor, your reading is from capillary blood. When your blood is drawn from your arm, that is a venous draw. All three of these readings may be a bit different since they come by their information from different sources: interstitial fluid, capillary blood, and venous blood.

If you need to make an out-of-pocket purchase for a CGM, it can be well worth it. If you are in a prediabetic state, you can also be surprised by what you learn from a CGM. This reduces a lot of guesswork.

Now your readings are magically better, and you reversed your type 2 diabetes!

Well, not quite. There’s a little work to do…

The purpose of using a CGM is to see what you couldn’t previously see inside your body.

How to Be Successful

  • Have a goal and a plan to improve or reverse your type 2 diabetes and maintain long-term success.
  • Learn best practices to interpret your glucose readings. (This is where many do-it-yourselfers miss the mark for long-term success.)
  • In the Reverse My Diabetes program, we use advanced insight testing. We identify the food, digestive health, mineral absorption, and metal toxins with customized lifestyle changes to drive success. (Ask us about the gold standard we use in hair analysis testing.)

Integrating technology using a CGM, advanced testing, and a personalized plan with consistent coaching will greatly increase your chances of reversing prediabetes or type 2 diabetes for enjoyable, long-term success.

Denise A. Pancyrz is a Diabetes Reversal and Holistic Lifestyle Coach, speaker, and best-selling author of
The Virgin Diabetic, Reverse the Effects of Type 2 Diabetes, Reduce Medication, and Improve Your Glucose Levels, available on Amazon. Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Denise was prescribed four daily insulin shots along with oral medication for diabetes and heart disease. This protocol helped to bring her glucose levels down; however, she did not feel as healthy and vibrant as expected. After changing her protocol by learning to rest and preserve her pancreas, she was able to eliminate all medication and insulin, regaining her energy.

Visit: ReverseMyDiabetes.net for coaching and training information, to book a free consultation, or to set up a speaking event. Contact Denise by calling 888.848.1763, or email her at: [email protected].