
Do You Need the White Room?

Ayurvedic Medicine for Managing Holiday Stress
The Statin Battle Intensifies
Cellular Health, Whole Body Health


How would you feel if you were sitting in a room with no windows and with just a totally white interior? What would your reaction be and what would you do?

This totally white room can represent a place where you are not stimulated and can get some rest or it can be boring and drive you to leave or decorate the place or put in windows. Those who find it peaceful and would stay and rest or meditate need to take some time for themselves and create white room time. Nurses almost always like being there and it reflects upon the demands of their work and how they care for themselves. At another level when people are ready to let go of their bodies and move on they feel the room is a spiritual place and desire to stay there and be at peace. My father-in-law, when well into his nineties, never liked the room and it said to me he still had the will to live despite his various afflictions and limitations.

If your desire was to clear out and redo the place, then I’d say your life force and energy levels are good and just keep going, but if you need a nap, now and then, stop and go into the white room you create for yourself. Resting is doing something and not a waste of your time. It helps you to heal your life and your body.

Now let me close with some humor. Our neighbors have learned we have a
cat named Miracle so they no longer ask to share our drugs when my wife and I
run around our house screaming Miracle, Miracle, Miracle. So to stir up things I went to the shelter and adopted a dog and named him Sex. When my wife is preparing to go out and yells, “Honey I need to have Sex in the house now,” I just love it.

The only problem is that I didn’t know Sex was aggressive. He jumped our fence and threatened the neighbor and her dog; they ran through their screen door to get away from Sex. My neighbor insisted I put Sex down but I told her Sex would not threaten her again but she notified the police and the animal control officer and they took Sex away and we ended up in court.

The judge walked in and asked how long I had had Sex and what was Sex like. I told him I’d had Sex for two weeks and that Sex had been a wonderful addition to our home. I then added, “Judge why don’t you have Sex for two days and see how you feel about Sex after that.”

He responded, “Case dismissed.”

Bernie holds a support group in Simsbury at Wisdom of the Ages the first Wednesday of each month from 7-9pm. Wisdom of the Ages, a special place to nurture your spiritual side. It’s filled with items to calm the mind, heal the body & empower your spirit. They also provide massages & monthly meditation classes. Wisdom of the Ages is owned by Bernie’s son & daughter- in-law, Keith & Jane Siegel. Located at 1408 Hopmeadow St. Simsbury. Please call for info or to register for Bernie’s group. (860) 651-1172, www.wis– domoftheages.biz,berniesiegelmd.com.
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Bernie also runs a Woodbridge Support Group which meets the Second and Fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at Coach- man’s Square, Bradley Road, Woodbridge, CT. Contact: Lucille Ranciato at 203-288- 2839 or email her at [email protected].