
Do You Have Text Neck?

Do You Have Text Neck?

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It’s hard for us to know just how good our posture is…or isn’t. We don’t always have good perspective on this since we can’t see ourselves from a 360º angle. The best way for us to really see our own posture is in a mirror or a photo. Have you ever noticed your posture in a photo? Not always flattering!

Posture Is a Real Problem
When we’re texting, Googling, emailing, or reading from our phones, we’re often slumped down, shoulders rounded, belly out, head forward. This posture is becoming very common. In fact, the head-forward position has become much more frequent since we started using cell phones. There is even a new term used to describe the head-forward posture: text neck.

Tilting the head forward to use devices directly affects the spine. Angling the head forward to 15 degrees places about 27 pounds of force on the neck and becomes incrementally worse the further forward the neck moves. This positioning can change the curvature of the neck and often results in cervical and shoulder pain, headaches, and excessive curvature of the thoracic spine.

This changing posture is a significant concern for younger people, as they tend to spend much more of their time on a device. Muscles like the trapezius, rhomboids, and shoulder external rotators often become weak, and the tension this posture creates can cause suboccipital muscle tightness, leading to headaches.

Avoid Text Neck
Being aware of this is a good first step toward correcting the problem. Think about your posture when you are using your phone. Try to bring your phone to eye level. Make sure you aren’t spending an excessive amount of time on your phone. Choose to do some of your web surfing on a computer that is at eye level. Be aware of laptops, too. Bending forward to look down at a computer on your lap can create similar issues.

One of the most beneficial things you can do for correcting posture is to lengthen the muscles in the front of the body. Our everyday activities such as cell phone use, computer time, and even driving cause the muscles in the front of the body to contract and become shortened. These shortened muscles, especially the large muscles like the psoas and pectoral muscles, cause tension as they pull on bone structure and back muscles.

How Robotic Muscular Therapy Can Help
Traditionally, it has been difficult to stretch those large muscles after they have contracted; they are resistant to manual massage or stretching. However, an innovative technology is greatly aiding in this process.

Robotic muscular therapy uses a computer-aided robotic arm to apply static pressure to a muscle to relax fibers. The sustained gentle pressure the machine applies allows these large muscles to soften and release. In this process, the muscle tissues relax and return to their natural state.

As these muscles lengthen, pressure is taken off bone structure and joints, resulting in improved posture and therefore, tension in back muscles is also relieved. With less muscle tension and improved posture, range of motion improves. Greater flexibility and reduced pain are experienced.

Everyday activities can cause an imbalance in our muscles, not to mention what repetitive motions or injuries can do to the body. Robotic muscular therapy can help to correct these imbalances, resulting in reduced pain and greater mobility. Clients routinely report less pain, recovery from injuries, increased range of motion, and a general feeling of well-being. Call us today to find out how Precision Robotics Muscular Therapy can help you!

Theresa Edmunds is a Certified Health Coach and co-owner of Precision Robotics Muscular Therapy. She is passionate about helping people feel better inside and out. In addition to bringing this innovative muscular technology to the Naples area, she enjoys coaching individuals and families to a healthier lifestyle. To make an appointment for a Robotic Muscular Therapy or for a free 20 minute health coaching session contact Theresa at 888-339–1012 or email us at: [email protected].

To learn more about Robotic Therapy visit: www.precisionroboticstherapy.com.