
Did You Know Energy Can Change Your Physical Body?

Did You Know Energy Can Change Your Physical Body?

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I had the exciting opportunity to experience a Bio-Well Energy Wellness Scan with Zel Rau last month. The Bio-Well Energy Wellness Scan is a revolutionary tool based on the Electro-Photonic Imaging or Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique (Kirlian effect) made especially for the express assessment of the energetic state of a person. Interpretation of the scans is based on acupuncture points, Ayurveda, and much scientific and clinical research from over the last 20 years. Bio-Well has been developed by an international team led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov and designed to bridge the gap between logical Western science and the intuitive science of the East.

The Bio-Well Energy Scan
Energetic healing and activities are a considerable part of guiding your body to a better state of health. We must remember that energy can change a physical system and how it operates. So, it’s vital to start working on your energy field and energy centers regularly with an open heart, mind, and set intention.

The scan’s purpose is not to diagnose or treat symptoms of any medical problem but to prevent health abnormalities early on. With Bio-Well, we can measure the body’s potential energy reserve and the state of a person’s energy field. When a scan is taken, a high-intensity electrical field stimulates the emission of photons and electrons from human skin, and powerful imaging technology then captures the emissions of each finger. The images have been mapped to various organs and systems of the body and reflect the state of the energy meridians as defined in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Bio-Well also provides a display of the size and alignment of each chakra.

The scan analyzes every system and organ in the body and shows you the state of your energy field within each system or organ. As you probably know, disease starts first in your “energy body”—the energy field that is 3–8 inches around your physical body. Before any disease manifests itself physically in your body, it can be detected in your energy body. That is why it’s so important to utilize a Bio-Well Scan to see exactly where energy is low or negatively affected in each organ system.

The Analysis
If you’ve never had a Bio-Well Scan, this is something I strongly encourage you to explore. I left my session with Zel with a deeper understanding of what systems and organs in my body were low in energy and needed healing. Scans are very simple and noninvasive—you simply put each finger into the machine, it takes a reading, and Zel then analyzes the report and shows you each area that needs attention. I was not surprised to see that my immune system had a low energy reading because I had just been sick a month prior to my analysis. Also, four days before my analysis, I had recently traveled and flown on a plane, which I’m sure stressed my immune system.

The other system that showed a low energy reading was my cardiovascular system. Zel asked me if I was doing any cardiovascular exercise, and funny enough, I had not been for over a year, as I’ve been focused on an intense weight-lifting program. She told me that my cardiovascular system needed a boost and to incorporate more of that, which I’ll be doing.

One of the most intriguing things the analysis shows is your biorhythm report, which shows you when you are at your peak physically, mentally, and emotionally for each month of the year. This was absolutely fascinating to me because you can literally plan what times of the year would be good for learning new things, changing your exercise routine, or taking breaks, and why you may be more affected emotionally by things happening in your life.

The Healing Process
Zel reviewed my entire analysis and then began the healing part of the session, where she balances your energy centers, clears your biofield for a better flow of energy, and feeds the body the frequency and sound it needs to harmonize.

You lie on a massage table and relax while meditative music is playing. If you happened to read my article in the Winter issue about my first session with Zel, you remember that my deceased father came through, which has never happened with any other intuitive I’ve worked with. Well, he showed up again, and Zel told me he had picked the music for me.

Within minutes, I knew this to be true because I heard ocean waves and what sounded like a seagull in the distance. My mom told me many years ago that whenever she saw a seagull it was my father letting her know everything was OK. After the session, I left feeling lighter, joyful, and peaceful, and with a knowing that yes, everything is going to be OK.

Energy Spa is owned and operated by Zel Rau. Zel was first exposed to Reiki energy work 12 years ago, and soon after, she became certified as a Master Reiki Healer. As she is still growing and expanding her knowledge of Biofield Tuning, she is beyond excited to bring it to you. Reiki and Biofield can be performed in-person and remotely, making it available to anyone interested in trying it, even from the comfort of their home.

Text 219.381.9777, email: [email protected], and visit: zelrau.com for more information.