
Are You at Risk for Type 3 Diabetes?

Are You at Risk for Type 3 Diabetes?

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As conditions many of our aging population fear have no answer, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease have long been at the forefront of many health discussions. Over 34.2 million Americans have diabetes, which is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S., and more than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s, the sixth leading cause of death. These numbers are particularly relevant as we are now learning that many individuals living with diabetes have presented with brain changes characteristic of both Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. One possible reason for this connection is that high glucose levels can damage blood vessels, contributing to mild cognitive impairment (MCI). MCI may precede or accompany Alzheimer’s disease. While much research is still needed, the term “type 3 diabetes” may provide some insight into one area of Alzheimer’s disease.

Type 3 Diabetes
Why the term “type 3 diabetes”? This type of diabetes is linked to the glucose-insulin imbalance. Our brains use sugar and respond to insulin as a function vital in helping to keep our brain cells healthy. Insulin is part of the process associated with learning and long-term memory; therefore, the insulin resistance associated with this type of diabetes could damage brain cells enough to cause memory loss.

Early signs or symptoms of Alzheimer’s include:

  • Forgetting recently learned information.
  • Challenges in planning or solving problems.
  • Difficulty completing familiar tasks, such as driving to a familiar location.
  • Forgetting where you are or how you got there.
  • Changes in judgment or decision-making, such as less attention to grooming or keeping clean.

Control Your Glucose Levels
So how can we begin to tackle these two diseases when we have limited information and more research is still needed on both? We can begin with changes and improvements that are in your control. Healthy glucose levels are the key to keeping healthy blood vessels.

  • Long-term high glucose levels and impaired insulin levels go hand in hand. You can lower your glucose by consuming whole, fresh foods. If you feel you need to count carbs and calories for everything you eat, you may not be making the best food choices.
  • Exercise can help move glucose from your bloodstream to your cells where it belongs. A walk after your meal can certainly help!
  • Reduce your sugar intake from food sources such as bakery goods, desserts, sugary and energy drinks, and high starch foods such as potatoes and rice.
  • Limit or eliminate fried foods.
  • Limit dining and snacking late in the evening. With diabetes, your system may not efficiently metabolize your food and have difficulty returning to healthy glucose levels before bedtime.

Living with Alzheimer’s
It’s estimated that by 2050, Alzheimer’s cases may increase to 13.8 million people. If you or someone you know is experiencing signs or symptoms, reach out to a physician to begin the planning process for a smoother transition into this life change. Resources for assistance are also important for both the caregiver and the patient. The Alzheimer’s Association is a great place to find help and support for learning about Alzheimer’s disease. You can find more information at www.alz.org. Caregivers and patients can get help for stabilizing glucose at www.ReverseMyDiabetes.net.

Denise A. Pancyrz is a Diabetes Reversal and Holistic Lifestyle Coach, speaker, and best-selling author of The Virgin Diabetic, Reverse the Effects of Type 2 Diabetes, Reduce Medication, and Improve Your Glucose Levels, available on Amazon. Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Denise was prescribed four daily insulin shots along with oral medication for diabetes and heart disease. This protocol helped to bring her glucose levels down, however, she did not feel as healthy and vibrant as expected. After changing her protocol by learning to rest and preserve her pancreas, she was able to eliminate all medication and insulin, regaining her energy.

Visit: www.ReverseMyDiabetes.net to book a free consultation.
Call (888) 848-1763.
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