
Allergy Season is Upon Us

Allergy Season is Upon Us

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The April rainfall along with all this snow melting is going to make for a very wet season and lots and lots of mold. Rainy days increase mold spores counts in the air, magnifying mold allergy symptoms. Inhalant allergies from trees, weeds, grasses, and molds can cause or contribute to a variety of conditions, beyond the typical hay fever symptoms including sinus headaches, asthma, fatigue, brain fog, recurring sinus and ear infections and fibromyalgia.

The side effects of a conventional medical approach
Over the counter and prescription medications simply mask the allergy by blocking an enzyme system or a receptor site, or by blocking the production of a naturally occurring substance in the body. There are many potential side effects when using medications, even drugs that are generally thought to be safe and benign, such as daily baby aspirin or Tylenol, are the direct cause of many deaths per year.

Why are allergies so prevalent today?
Allergies are a product of our industrial revolution. Physicians of that time period were extremely puzzled by the sudden appearance of this strange new disease around urban centers. Clearly the exposure to smoke and other environmental pollutants activated the patient’s immune system to overreact to naturally occurring substances. Recent statistics show that over 25% of the population suffers from some sort of allergy. It’s not just the plants outside that we are allergic to, but diet, food allergies and exposure to chemical toxins in food and the environment can also cause or contribute to a variety of illnesses, such as allergies. In addition to toxicity, factors such as intestinal dysbiosis, Candidiasis (yeast infections caused by antibiotics), intestinal permeability (leaky gut), nutritional deficiency, malabsorption and digestive enzyme deficiencies and even genetic tendencies all play important roles in the development of allergies and aggravation of symptoms.

What is an allergy?
An allergy can be defined as an abnormal physical reaction to substances called allergens, or antigens, that are harmless to most people. Pollen, house dust mites, mold spores and mycotoxins, animal dander, foods, drugs, dyes, cosmetics, perfumes, and stinging insects are the most common sources of allergens. These allergens can enter the body in different ways: pollens, house dust, and mold spores are inhaled; food allergens are swallowed; poison ivy and cosmetic products cause allergic reactions by touch; certain drugs and insect venoms enter the body by injection. The immune system produces antibodies as a defense against the infection and other diseases. In allergic people, excessive antibodies are produced and these antibodies react with the allergens, releasing inflammatory chemicals, such as histamine and cause allergic symptoms. These reactions may be immediate, as in an acute hypersensitivity reaction, or delayed. Foods and molds can typically cause delayed reactions, even 48 to 72 hours after the exposure.

Treating allergies with Integrative Medicine
Most people cringe at the thought of a needle and may avoid traditional allergy testing which is done by a scratch test or intradermal testing. There is a quick and painless alternative allergy testing method performed by Dr. Sica at Center for the Healing Arts. Although allergy desensitization injections are available, allergy treatment is also effectively accomplished with sublingual drops (under the tongue). The goal is to reduce the allergy symptoms and calm down the immune system, which over time will often eliminate the need for further treatment.

Robban Sica, MD of Center for the Healing Arts, PC, received her doctorate from the Medical College of Ohio. She of is the founder and medical director of this innovative and successful practice. Her background study includes holistic medicine, anti-aging, natural hormone replacement and endocrine problems, nutrition/vitamin supplementation including natural alternatives to medication, allergies, and environmental medicine, heavy metal toxicity using chelation therapy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and treatment of chronic illnesses. Using a cooperative blend of traditional and alternative medicine, this integrative and preventative medicine center addresses health conditions by identifying the underlying stressors. For more information, visit www.centerhealingarts.com or email: [email protected], call 203 799-7733.