
5 Signs That You’re Not Following Your Destiny – Indepth

5 Signs That You’re Not Following Your Destiny – Indepth

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If you loved my blog, “5 Signs That You’re Not Following Your Destiny”, here are more indepth tips and tools to help get the passion back in your life!

  1. You’re bored or unchallenged. This could be in your career, relationship or any area of your life that is important to you. You don’t spend time envisioning where you want to be in your career or how you could take your business to the next level – or if you do spend that time, it’s exhausting and frustrating – not exciting and rewarding. My role as a publisher required me to spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, answering emails, being behind the scenes. My passion is to be in front of people teaching and being active.
  2. If you’re finding yourself bored or unchallenged in some area of your life, spend some time thinking about what you’d be more passionate about doing – what would make you jump out of bed in the morning (even if you’re not a morning person, which I’m not!)? Then take action on one thing you can do to move towards that passion! It might be scary, but it’s so worth the risk.
  3. You’re suffering from analysis paralysis. Do you ever feel like you just don’t have any options? It’s all about fear. Fear that creating a new situation will be worse than what you already have. Fear that you’ll make less money, that you’ll hate your new job, that the next guy will treat you worse in another relationship. We have to realize that WE create our experiences and if we see that we’re in a negative one, we can change that experience to a better one any time we want. It’s not something out of our control that happens to us. Start with small changes so you can build trust within yourself that you’ll create the best experience for you.
  4. You’re having anxiety attacks. When your body starts to manifest physical symptoms, it’s really time to pay attention. This is a serious message that you aren’t aligned with your passion and destiny and it’s time to do something about that now. Meditate, take time out of your day to relax, get outside and spend time in nature. Listen to what your body and intuition is trying to tell you.
  5. You feel frustrated and resentful. I needed to ask myself in that moment, what was triggering this deep emotion. I’m not a jealous or resentful person – ask any of my friends or colleagues and they will tell you that I’m their biggest cheerleader. I love to see people succeed. Or at least I used to. Why was I feeling that way? Because they were showing me what I could have in my life but I wasn’t doing anything about it. Don’t feel bad about having these feelings. It’s an opportunity for you to discover why you’re feeling this way and decide what you need to change in your life to be happier – for yourself and others!
  6. Your gut is telling you that something is wrong. Take the time to examine where in your life you might be settling or feeling unfulfilled. Also, rest assured that sometimes you don’t even have to make huge, major shifts in your life, but maybe just some small changes. For me, I don’t think I have to completely get out of my business, but I’ve decided to bring a publisher on board to handle the day to day activities and I’ll move into more of a visionary/director role. This will free up time for me to do more things like workshops, speaking, and travel retreats where I can be in front of people teaching and inspiring. Maybe overall your relationship is a good one but it has become a little stagnant – you don’t need to end it, you just need to infuse more spontaneity and quality time.

Begin to create an action plan to step into a life you truly love. Listen to your body. Give yourself time to relax and recharge. Enjoy the journey. And follow your path to living your destiny.

Dr. Diane Hayden is the owner and publisher of Natural Nutmeg Magazine, Essential Living Maine Magazine and Nutmeg Creative Media. She is a speaker, writer and workshop facilitator. She holds a B.S. in Marketing from the University of Connecticut, a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from the University of Maryland and is an Empowerment Life Coach. For 20 years, her work has focused on inspiring individuals to learn about the power of thought and emotion and how it shapes their lives through adventure travel and personal development workshops. Her passion centers on helping holistic practitioners get to the next level in their business and life by changing thought patterns and belief systems. You can learn more about her online at www.naturalnutmeg.com.