
Communication From the Other Side

Hidden Sources of Sleeplessness
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Sweeter Dreams: 10 Steps to Safe Slumber for Kids


I often like to advertise my lectures as about PMS. Not post menopausal syndrome but about the practical, mystical and spiritual aspects of life. I get lots of books sent to me for comment and received one the other day entitled, “Postcards From Heaven” by Dan Gordon about everyday messages of love from the other side. They are about many events which were signs to him of communica- tion with loved ones who had died.

One that touched me and reminded me of something my wife and I experi- enced was his writing about seeing a wild rabbit outside his sliding glass door and the rabbit just sat there looking at him.
He went out to offer it food and it didn’t run away or eat. It just kept following him and watching him play with his kids in the yard. He felt a connection with it com- municating from one of his family mem- bers who had died and it left only after he shared that with the rabbit.

Several years ago one of my patients went to the Hawaiian Island of Kauai to resolve a lifetime of conflict with her mother before she died of cancer. I heard later that she died on the island. A couple of years later my wife Bobbie and I went there to lecture and lead a workshop. We went into a store and noticed a butterfly confused by a ceiling light and so my wife climbed up and placed her hand into the light. The butterfly came down on her hand and then stayed with us all day, that evening and the next afternoon when the workshop was finished when it flew up and away.

When I say it stayed with us I mean it basically sat upon my wife’s shoulder or in her hand wherever we went. I remem- ber saying to her when it was bed time, “Honey you can’t sleep with a butterfly.” “I’ll go out on the porch and brush it off.” She came back in and told me she had done so and I said, “Look at your other shoulder.” Yup, the butterfly had switched places and come back in with her. We finally offered it some sugar water to get it off her shoulder and we jumped into bed. It was quite a mystical experience and I truly felt it was my patients way of saying she had worked things out and goodbye.

Many other things have happened to me which lead me to believe because of what I have experienced. I’ll share them some time in the future but they include having a near death experience as a child choking on a toy I aspirated; a past life experience which I envisioned sponta- neously when a friend asked me why I was living this life and some mystics and healers telling me about the spirit people standing around me I couldn’t see but they could. Especially one night, years ago, in Madison when I felt like the talk I was giv- ing was coming from somewhere else and I was being used to deliver it. A woman came up afterwards and said, “I’ve heard you before. That was better than usual. Standing in front of you for the whole lecture was a man and I drew his picture for you.” When she handed it to me it was exactly like the inner guide I visualized in my meditations. Same clothes beard and more. I still have it hanging on the wall.

Bernie holds a support group in Simsbury at Wisdom of the Ages the first Wednesday of each month from 7-9pm. Wisdom of the Ages, a special place to nurture your spiritual side. It’s filled with items to calm the mind, heal the body & empower your spirit. They also provide massages & monthly meditation classes. Wisdom of the Ages is owned by Bernie’s son & daughter- in-law, Keith & Jane Siegel. Located at 1408 Hopmeadow St. Sims- bury. Please call for info or to register for Bernie’s group. (860) 651-1172, www.wisdomoftheages. biz, berniesiegelmd.com. See ad below.

Bernie also runs a Woodbridge Support Group which meets the Second and Fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at Coach- man’s Square, Bradley Road, Woodbridge, CT. Contact: Lucille Ranciato at 203-288-2839 or email her at [email protected].