
4 Surefire Ways to Attract Love by Raising Your Vibration

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Will 2013 be the year you find love? As a dating coach for women, that is my heart-felt hope. To make your dream of love come true, I’m going to share four surefire ways to attract love by raising your love vibration. Each powerful method has been formulated to heighten the loving energy you feel and send out to the Universe. Put them all together for a potent, love-activating elixir!

The idea with all of these tips is to feel more loving and act from a more loving place. This advice is perfect for February with Valentine’s Day but can help you any time of year.

1. Drink in Love
According to Masaru Emoto, author of Hidden Messages in Water, you can infuse water with a particular vibration through your intentions. He took photos of water crystals infused with love which were beautifully formed and clear, while the lower vibration crystals were dark colored and poorly formed.

Since the human body is mostly water, you want to vibrate love as much as possible. I recommend putting those love vibrations into the beverages you drink. Wrap your hands around your bottle of water or cup of tea and think “Love”. Visualize love energy coming from the heavens into your body and hands, and then send them into your beverage. Next, drink up to take in the loving energy!

2. Bathe in Love
Building on the first tip; fill your tub with rose petals and rose pure essential oil. Then use the same infusion method to add a loving vibration to the water. Step into the tub and let the water cover your body and permeate your energy field. Wash away any possible resistance or fears and allow the love to seep in every pore, bringing you peace.

You can also do this same exercise in the shower. As the water rushes over your body, let it wash away hurt and fear, cleansing your energy field. Then imagine that shower is pink light, drenching your body and aura in loving energy.

3. Be Grateful for Love in Your Life Now
The attitude of gratitude certainly elevates your vibration. That means being grateful for the love you have right now will amp up your love vibration. You may not have romantic love at this moment, but you do have love – think about family members, close friends, neighbors, colleagues, and even your children. Love from pets counts too! You probably enjoy quite a bit of love that you might not be currently acknowledging.

Take time to be grateful for all the love in your life today. Let the people you love know it. Valentine’s Day is a great time to celebrate the broader spectrum of love, not just the romantic kind. Send cards, share candy, flowers or other gifts with the people who really matter to you.

4. Flirt with Love
When was the last time you flirted? If you are like most of my clients, it’s been too long. There’s a lot of confusion about what flirting really is. Stated simply, it’s a creative, fun, playful and spontaneous way to interact with men. Flirting offers no promise of anything more – this is the biggest concern women voice. Just because you flirt with a man doesn’t mean you owe him anything.

What does flirting look like? Start with the essentials – a warm smile coupled with brief (2-3 seconds) eye contact before gracefully turning away. That’s it! How does it work? Like a charm! Flirt like this and you simply acknowledge a man who is appreciating you. You are saying hello with your smile. There is no teasing involved.

What is the point? To make you more approachable! The vast majority of women are not open to men. Many are focused on the task at hand or they’re afraid to engage, fearing they might have to talk to the guy. But that is the whole point! A woman who seems friendly and approachable will find that men are willing to talk to her. This is how you meet men and get asked out on a date.

Without exception, my dating coaching clients who try flirting are pleasantly surprised and rewarded for their efforts. Making it easy for a man to connect with you will absolutely help you attract more men and create the love life you want. In addition, when you smile at a man, you can make his day and that in turn makes you feel good too.

Enjoy More Love
Now that you know four ways to raise your love vibration and attract love, it’s time to put the tips to work. Try one technique or do them all! These are proven methods that have helped single women all over the world bring more love into their life. People fall in love every day – you could be next!


Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC, is an internationally-known Dating Coach, professional speaker, workshop leader and author of MANifesting Mr. Right who has helped thousands of single women jump start or accelerate their love life. Ronnie has appeared at Long Wharf Theatre, and has been interviewed by, BBC 5Live Radio, FOX and ABC News, Sally Jesse Raphael, NPR, WYBC with Lisa Wexler, WPLR, WDRC, Star99, Fox News Magazine Online, eHarmony, Yahoo Shine MSN.com, and MORE.com, plus a variety of other print, broadcast and web articles in the US, UK and Australia. Get her free ebook 5 Big Turnoffs that Drive Men Away at www.NeverTooLate.biz/gift